Academic U.I.L Eligibility
The following is taken from the UIL A+ Handbook Subchapter D -Section 1400 – Junior High (7th and 8th Grade).
(1) Student eligibility. An individual may participate in League competition
or contests as a representative of the participant school he/she attends if
that student has been in attendance and has passed the number of courses
required by state law, and by rules of the State Board of Education, and is
passing the number of courses required by state law and by rules of the
State Board of Education.
(2) The constitution and Contest Rules does not prohibit junior high students
from competing at a grade level higher than the one in which they are enrolled.
Academic U.I.L Expectations
As a U.I.L. participant and representative of B. L. Gray Junior High, students will be expected to make a commitment to the Academic Team and to adhere to the following expectations and rules.
Students are expected to:
1. be a role model. Academic U.I.L team members are expected to maintain good grades and to be held in high regard by other students and the faculty.
2. attend practices, rehearsals, and meets. Students are expected to attend at least one meet per month. Students will be permitted to attend more than one meet per month if they so desire. Students who are trying to qualify for TMSCA may find it necessary to attend more than one meet per month depending on their performance and success.
3. understand the rules for the categories in which they compete.
4. communicate with coaches and coordinators to be excused from practice, rehearsals and meets.
5. arrive on time for practices and for contest departure.
6. conduct their behavior in accordance to the Sharyland ISD Handbook.
7. dress appropriately for competition (dress in accordance to Sharyland ISD Handbook rules; written events wear U.I.L. t-shirt (The U.I.L. shirt will be tucked in at all times.); speaking events dress in dress pants and a nice shirt or a skirt and blouse or dress) Along with sufficient practice, looking professional is an integral part of attaining success.
8. accept responsibility for contest materials by placing them in the proper place when they are no longer needed at competition (i.e. Poetry folders will not be left lying on tables; dictionaries will be returned to the correct box; pencils and pens will be put in the proper receptacle).
9. assist with the loading and unloading of supplies and materials on to the buses.
10. leave electronic devices (ipods, games, etc.) at home – these have caused students to miss their competition and they will not be allowed at an academic competition.
11. clear the area we use of food, drink, and papers upon being finished with such items. This includes the bus used to transport us to and from competition sites.
12. maintain proper demeanor at the competition site (i.e. whisper in halls outside of speaking events; treat other competitors politely).
In the event that a student is not meeting the above expectations, that student, their coach and the coordinators will discuss expectation infractions. If necessary a conference with parents and principals will be held. Some infractions such as leaving food, drink, etc. on tables (not picking up) may result in additional responsibilities at meets. For example; failure to throw garbage away at one meet may mean that student will serve lunch to all other students and will assist in putting food and beverages away after meals.