Units of Study for this course include:
Unit 1 – Expressions and the Number System
Unit 2 – Proportional and Non-Proportional
Relationships and Functions
Unit 3 – Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
in Geometry
Unit 4 – Equations and Inequalities
Unit 5 – Transformational Geometry
Unit 6 – Statistics and Samples
Unit 7 - Personal Financial Literacy
1 – 1 inch 3 ring binder
1 – Package of Red or Colored Pens
1 – Box of Tissue
Grades can be accessed by parents and student through Skyward. If in need of login information for Skyward, please contact the front office for assistance.
MAJOR Assignments 60%
Tests, Projects: There will be a minimum of three (3) grades from this category each six weeks.
MINOR Assignments 40%
HW, Quizzes, Daily Work: This may include teacher made quizzes, pop quizzes, selected homework problems, binder checks, worksheets, and other miscellaneous assignments. Re-quizzing is not allowed.
Grades are recorded and can be accessed by parents and student through Skyward, our district electronic gradebook. If in need of login information for Skyward, please contact the front office for assistance.
To establish consistency in terminology, all subjects and all grades will use the grading categories of MAJOR ASSIGNMENT and MINOR ASSIGNMENT. These categories may include but are not limited to the following assignments:
{60%}MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS- Tests, Reports, Research Papers, Projects/Presentations, Essays
{40%}MINOR ASSIGNMENTS - Daily Classwork/Practices, Homework, Quizzes, Accelerated Reader, Lab Work, Binder Checks