Sharyland North Junior High Physical Education Program
SNJHS Physical Education Program is designed to introduce a variety of activities that are designed to improve your fitness level and will promote lifelong fitness. These activities will also encourage teamwork, communication, good sportsmanship and confidence which will contribute to your overall well being.
Classroom Expectations:
- Students will be given five minutes to dress after the tardy bell rings. Uniforms will be provided, so the student must participate.
- Students are responsible for bringing tennis shoes, socks, towel and bathing essentials.
- Students may shower if they choose and will be given sufficient time.
Grading Policy:
Students’ grade will be determined by the following criteria:
Test and Major Projects 60%
Minor Assignments 40%
Course Outline:
Semester one:
- Fitness/ Weight Training 4 wks
- Volleyball 3 wks
- Basketball 3 wks
- Scooter Hockey 3 wks
- Fitness/ Weight Training 3 wks
Semester two:
- Tennis 3 wks
- Soccer 3 wks
- Football/ Pilates 3 wks
- Track 2 wks
- Bowling 2 wks
- Sports review 2 wks
- Fitness/ Weight Training 3 wks
A. If a student is unable to participate due to illness or injury, he/she must provide the following on a note from their parents/guardian:
- Student’s name
- Date
- Cause of illness/injury
- Phone number or cell number where parent can be reached.
- Parent’s/ Guardian’s signature
This note will only excuse the student for one day. Students may be excused from certain physical activities but not necessarily from all activities. Students will still be required to dress out that day.
B. If a student’s illness is serious enough to constitute non-participation from P.E. for several days, a doctor’s excuse is required. The school will not accept excuses from non-US doctors.
- All excuses will be kept on file.
- Girls will not be excused from dressing out/participation due to menstrual cramps/cycle unless a doctor’s excuse is received.
Gym Rules:
1. Be prepared.
2. Be on time.
3. Be respectful.
4. Follow directions.
5. Respect and use equipment properly.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature