Algebra Syllabus

Course Information

Units of Study for this course include:

Unit 1 – Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities

Unit 2 – Number and Algebraic Methods

Unit 3 – Quadratic Functions and Equations

Unit 4 – Exponential Functions and Equations


Tutoring Schedule

Tuesday-Friday 7:30- 7:50 AM in Rm 143

Tuesday-Thursday 3:50-4:30 PM in Rm 143   


1 – 3 Subject Spiral

1 - Package of colored pens (not black) and pencils as needed

Glue / Glue Sticks

1 - Scissors

1 – Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

1 – Box of Tissue
**School issued Chromebook will be used daily.

***Graphing Calculators (TI-Nspire CX II) will be used in this class.  Please make sure that you bring your calculator on a daily basis.



Grading Policy - Access to student grades are available for parent and student through Skyward.  To get username and password contact the front office.

Tests:    60% - There will be a minimum of three (3) tests each grading period.  Honors students will not be allowed to retest unless 50% or more of the students in a class fail.  If 50% OR MORE OF STUDENTS IN A CLASS FAIL a MAJOR ASSIGNMENT, the entire class will receive reteaching of the content using a different instructional strategy from the original presentation. All students will be given an alternative major assignment. Students will receive the higher of the two grades earned. The teacher will indicate in the grade book that the assignment was retaught.

Homework, Quizzes and STAAR Review:   40% - There will be a minimum of nine (9) assignments each grading period.  Assignments must be done in pencil and turned in at the beginning of class.  Quizzes may include teacher made quizzes, pop quizzes, selected homework problems, worksheets, and other miscellaneous assignments.  Re-quizzing is not allowed. 

 Note:  Most math assignments require showing all work.  This is necessary because the process or strategy is the critical learning task, not just getting the answer.

 Absences - Students who are absent for math class will be responsible for picking up their late work when they return to school.

  • Students with an EXCUSED ABSENCE from school will have the opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed, with a maximum of five days.  Students will receive a zero for any major or minor assignment not made up within the allotted time.
  • Students with an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE may not make up missed work; however if the unexcused absence is determined to be caused by an extenuating circumstance, makeup work may be allowed.  The grade for the makeup work will be no higher than a 70.

 Daily Procedures

Bring all needed materials to class.  (Pencil, homework, TI-Nspire calculator, Chromebook, colored pens, and spiral).

•Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Pencils must be sharpened before the bell rings!

•Respect and be polite to all people.  (Listen and stay seated when someone is talking and behave properly for a substitute teacher.)

•Respect people’s property.  (Keep the room clean and neat, pick-up trash, return borrowed property, don’t write on the desks, and get permission before using another person’s materials.)

Obey all school rules.