Classroom and Lab Policies & Procedures
A. Major Assignments: 60%
I. Tests & Projects:
A. Test will be given upon completion of a chapter or unit.
B. Ample time will be allowed in class to review the test.
C. Re-teaching and retesting will be done according to school policy.
D. Retesting does not apply to class work, homework, lab work, projects,
and quizzes.
B. Minor Assignments: 40%
II. Class work & Homework:
Class work & Homework may include any other activity the teacher
chooses to label as Class work.
B. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class.
C. Late work will be accepted according to district’s grading policy.
D. The policy for accepting the late work due to excused absences follow
the school policy.
III. Lab work & Quizzes:
Detention or lab grade of a “0” may be given for not following the
lab safety rules.
Students are not allowed to break or damage the lab equipment.
If they do so, they may require replacing the equipment/Detention
or office referrals may be assigned also.
C. Students are recommended to notify the teacher for planned absences.
IV. Notebooks:
A. One subject notebook will be kept to include:
B. Notebooks will be graded for completeness, neatness, and organization.