7th Grade Math
Sharyland North Junior High
“Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”
--Coach Lou Holtz
Conference Hours: 2:24-3:09 p.m.
Room #: 105
Meeting Days: Monday – Friday
Meeting Interval: 106 minute block
Course Description: This course is recommended prior to taking Algebra. The students shall use skills associated with understanding numbers, basic problem solving with whole numbers, fractions and decimals, proportions, probability, and area of two-dimensional geometric figures. Students are introduced to percents and algebraic equations.
TEXTBOOK Saxon Math course 2 by Stephen Hake
1 – Composition Book
1 – Compass
1 – Protractor
1 – Ruler (12in/30cm)
1 – Pkg. Pencils
1 – White Eraser
1 – Red Pen
1 – Box of Tissue
GRADING Major Assignments: 60%
a) Tests, Reports, Research papers, Projects/Presentations
Minor Assignments: 40%
a) Daily Classwork/Practices, Homework, Quizzes, Journal Checks.
a) There will be a minimum of 3 Major Assignments per reporting category.
b) There will be a minimum of 9 Minor Assignments per reporting category.
c) If 50% or more of students in a class fail a major assignment, the entire class will receive reteaching of the content using a different instructional strategy from the orignial presentation. All students will be given an alternative major assignment. Students will receive the higher of the two grades earned.
1. Bring all needed materials to class. (Pencil, paper, and composition book)
2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. (Pencils should be sharpened before the bell rings, paper and pencils should be out and ready for work, and warm-ups are to be started as soon as possible after entering the room.)
3. Respect and be polite to all people. (Listen and stay seated when someone is talking and behave properly for a substitute teacher.)
4. Respect other people’s property. (Keep the room clean and neat, pick up trash, return borrowed property, don’t write on the desks, and get permission before using another person’s materials.)
5. Obey all school rules.