Saucedo, Nora - Spanish


SPAN I-E, SPAN I-S, AP SpanLang. & Culture                             Señora Lizcano

Room# 140                                                                                           


¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!  Welcome to my Spanish class!  I am excited that you have chosen to learn Spanish. Know that it’s not only the language but it is culture as well.  I will do my best to make this experience an enjoyable one.  I hope you find this letter useful.  Please keep it in your binder at all times.  



Ø  Review class vocabulary with someone at home for 10-15 minutes every night.

Ø  Be attentive in class and be an active participant

Ø  Record and complete homework

Ø  Attend tutoring on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school from 4-5 PM

Ø  Keep track of your grades by accessingSkyward” and keeping up with your table of contents (TOC)


This course is designed for the non-native/native Spanish speaker.  In this course, students will develop basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish through basic grammar and culture. Some activities include: listening to native speakers on audio and video, singing songs, playing games, practicing vocabulary through partner and group activities, and studying different cultures.

TEXTBOOK:            SPAN I-E ¡Buen Viaje!

                                    SPAN  I-S Español para Nosotros

                                    AP SPANISH and Culture: Abriendo Puertas, Triangulo Aprobado


REQUIRED SUPPLIES   (Please bring them daily)

pencils, blue or black ink pen (No colored ink), 1 ½ inch binder, loose leaf paper, dividers (5)

other supplies:  map colors, markers, glue, scissors 
Your grade will be based on the following categories and weights:

Major Assignments (Tests, Projects/Presentations, Essays, Binder) 60%

Minor Assignments (Daily Class work/Practices, Homework, Quizzes) 40%


§  Assigned at any given day

§  All assignments are due at the time given by the instructor.

§  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for missed assignments only when presenting a valid written excuse.

§  Late work is accepted for partial credit –work is due at the time the instructor picks it up, if it is not ready it will be considered late.

§  If assignment is marked redo, the student does not receive credit for it until it is corrected.

·        Student will have one day per absence to complete and turn in missed assignment/s. It is the student’s responsibility to find out and turn in make-up or late homework. Any missed test or quiz will need to be made up within one week on Tuesdays or Thursdays.



Tutoring is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 4-5 PM.



The following policies must be followed in this classroom:

Ø  Be prompt – Be ready to learn when class begins

Ø  Be prepared – Have materials with you and know due dates

Ø  Be a polite and positive participant - Speak in a normal tone of voice and listen attentively

Ø  Be productive – Always be on task. Turn in work on time and always do your best


Students are expected to follow the classroom rules and not interfere with the learning of others.  The classroom is a place of learning.  All students have the right to learn without interruption.  Students who choose to disrupt the learning process will be subject to the following:

1. Warning / refocus

2. Lunch detention/Parent contact

3. Office referral

NOTE:  Referral may also be given immediately in extreme cases



The following is the list of small and major projects for the school year.  Students will be notified of the due dates during the school year.


-  Spanish-speaking Country Report (written report, oral presentation, poster and passport)

-  Myself poster

-  Greetings and Introductions script and skit

-  Likes & Dislikes Poster

-  My favorite food collage

 - Meal at a restaurant script and skit

-  Restaurant Menu

-  Family Tree

-  Fashion show

-  Piñata (after completing 3 units)

-  Portfolio (students need to save their work to select their best 20 work samples to put together a portfolio that will be due in May)


Thank you for your attention and cooperation.  I am looking forward to an exciting and growth-filled year!


Señora Lizcano

Foreign Language Department

Señora Lizcano                                   Spanish                                    2013-2014 SchoolYear


Student Name: ______________________________________       Period:___________________


 I have read the classroom rules and procedurespolicy.  I will follow them at all times.




Mychild has discussed the classroom discipline plan and homework requirementswith me.  I understand it and I willsupport it.






                                           Best phone # for day contact